Whistleblowing Procedure

The OSS considers corruption and fraud as detrimental to the realization of its mission. The organization has thus adopted an anti-fraud policy and has established a procedure for preventive and deterrent monitoring of reprehensible practices in all the processes and activities it conducts or coordinates. The main manifestations of the anti-fraud policy can notably be summarized as follows:   

  • Establishing a systematic commitment to the implementation of the anti-fraud policy for all staff members, suppliers, consultants and service providers who collaborate with OSS; this contractual commitment includes penalties for involvement, directly or indirectly, in an act of fraud, corruption or malfeasance  
  • Establishing proactive prevention by means of a due diligence obligation for OSS staff 
  • Considering integrity and impartiality in all stages of tenders examination and assessment, selection of suppliers and procurement procedure or during services execution or payment; each member involved, inside or outside OSS, has to commit to the fight against fraud, corruption, malfeasance or any similar act   
  • Providing an independent and confidential whistleblowing procedure to report any reprehensible practice, conduct necessary investigations, and regulate reported acts.  

The present document summarizes OSS procedure for the treatment of fraud, corruption or similar acts, with all transparency, independence, and rigor.

Whistleblowers are encouraged to provide ample information on the alleged reprehensible practices by sending their reports to mbz@kpmg.com.tn

For more information, please refer to the following documents: