Project mapping, assessment & monitoring of shared water resources in the IGAD subregion | IGAD

Approval Date

Project Duration

Financial & Technical Partners
African Water Facility (AWF / AfDB).

Country of operations
Djibouti, Kenya, Sudan and Uganda

The project executed by OSS was funded by the African Water Facility (AWF / AfDB). It has developed a shared vision of collaborative management of transboundary water resources to support sustainable development in the IGAD subregion

  •  Improve knowledge of water resources in the IGAD subregion;
  • To achieve a better understanding of the links between the management of water resources, the preservation of the environment and the socio-economic aspects;
  • Support policies and strategies for joint management of shared water resources;
  • Participate in the development of a strategy for food and water security in the IGAD subregion;
  • Strengthen capacities at national and sub-regional level to improve water resources management and promote sustainable development.

Project Status

The results of the project support cross-border water resources management policies in East Africa and water-related development activities in a regional integration process led by IGAD.

  •  Assessment of water resources and socio-economic and environmental aspects related to their use (based on available data)
  • Establishment of a regional database and integrated water resources management model
  • Production of basic thematic maps (topography, geology, hydrogeology, hydrology and land cover)
  • Development of a protocol for cooperation and exchange of data and information
  • Development of a strategic framework for the establishment of transboundary basin organizations
  • Capacity building of national experts in transboundary water resources management
  • Framework for the establishment of a common network for monitoring and information sharing at the sub-regional level.

The second phase of this project aims to consolidate results and fill gaps, particularly in terms of data collection on water resources in the IGAD subregion. The proposal for "Phase II" of the project was the subject of several meetings with the partners of the first phase:

  • Khartoum, Sudan, Ministry of Water Resources and Electricity, 11 November 2012
  • Entebbe (Uganda) to the Directorate of Water Resources, Ministry of Water and Environment, on November 13, 2012
  • Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) to the Ministry of Water and Energy, 5 November 2012
  • Nairobi, Kenya, Ministry of Water and Irrigation, 21 November 2012
  • Djibouti in the Department of Water Resources, Ministry of Agriculture in charge of water resources, 25 November 2012.