Call for Climate projects proposals - GCF

As part of its accreditation as a regional implementation entity (RIE) by the Green Climate Fund (GCF) in October 2017, OSS is one of the first African institutions to provide its members and partners with support needed to mobilize grant funding from the Green Climate Fund.

To this end, the OSS is responsible for regularly launching calls for projects to collect draft requests from countries and partners to ensure their transition to climate resilient and low-carbon emission development.

Projects to be financed

Proposals may include adaptation and / or mitigation impacts and must always fit within the following six mitigation and adaptation results areas identified by the GCF:


  1. Livelihoods of people and communities: mitigation of operational risks associated with climate change - diversification of supply sources and supply chain management, relocation of manufacturing facilities and warehouses, etc. 
  2. Health, and well-being, and food and water security: climate-resilient crops, efficient irrigation systems, etc.
  3. Infrastructure and built environment: sea walls, resilient road networks, etc.
  4. Ecosystems and ecosystem services: ecosystem conservation and management, ecotourism, etc.


  1. Energy access and power generation: on-grid, micro-grid or off-grid solar, wind, geothermal, etc.
  2. Forestry and land use: forest conservation and management, agroforestry, agricultural irrigation, water treatment and management, etc.

Eligible beneficiaries 

This call for proposals is open to all eligible beneficiaries of GCF, including governments, nongovernmental organizations, research institutes and regional institutions.

Eligibility criteria

  • Endorsement by the focal point or Designated National Authority : 
  • Project risk level: category B and C (medium or low risk)
  • Total amount less than or equal to 10 Million USD
  • Party to the Kyoto Protocol
  • Addressed themes inscribed among the 6 targeted results areas mentioned above

Important: To be eligible, proposals must meet national priorities in terms of climate change and align with GCF country programs, defined national contributions (NDC) and National Adaptation Plans (NAPs).

For further details on the projects’ submission process, please see our information guide.

As per the Counselling and Advice Procedure of OSS, applicants can submit  support requests through this e-mail address: