Results of the first GCF climate finance call for projects launched by OSS

In order to enable countries to mobilize climate finance to ensure their transition to climate-resilient and low-carbon development, the OSS, an entity accredited by the Green Climate Fund, launched its first call for proposals at the end of 2018.

Within this framework, 36 project proposals from 20 countries have been submitted to OSS and have been evaluated by an internal committee set up for this purpose, in accordance with a transparent procedure described in the information guide available on the following link information guide.

At the end of this evaluation, 9 projects were selected (see the list on this link) and the related concept notes will be sent to the GCF, with minor adjustments, additional information or clarification.

All project holders (36) were officially notified by correspondence indicating the result of the evaluation, provided with a detailed analysis sheet by section and criterion. The observations and comments of the Evaluation Committee would allow each holder to revise his/her concept note to better fit the requirements of the GCF.