Guinea-Bissau's preparation for Climate Finance

Date of approval

August 28, 2019

Project duration

12 months

Financial and Technical Partners

  • Financial: Green Climate Fund (GCF)
  • Technical:

- State Secretariat for the Environment and Biodiversity

- Sahara and Sahel Observatory as Delivery Partner

Affected Country
Guinea Bissau

Main Beneficiaries

Ministries, technical services and national institutions involved in the mobilization of climate resources, private sector, civil society, NGOs


Establishing a National Designated Authority (NDA) and strengthening its institutional capacity to effectively fulfill its role and responsibilities with respect to the GCF. It will facilitate the development, through a participatory process, of a national program to address the adverse impacts of climate change, taking into account national priorities for adaptation and mitigation, as well as the GCF requirements.

Project status
In progress

Expected Results 

  • The country's capacities are strengthened to fulfill its commitments vis-à-vis the GCF
  • Relevant stakeholders are involved in the process of mobilizing climate financial resources, particularly the GCF
  • Private sectors are made aware and mobilized to ensure their involvement in climate-smart investments and improve their access to GCF resources
  • Access to GCF's climate finance resources is improved with the identification and mobilization of accredited entities operating at the national level.

Key Achievements

  • Establishment of a national management unit including a climate change expert, a monitoring and evaluation expert, an IT communication expert and a technical assistant.
  • Establishment of the National Designated Authority (NDA) including representatives of ministries (economy and finance, foreign affairs, energy, industry, agriculture and rural development, public health, environment, etc.), private sector, civil society and NGOs, whose mission is to support the efforts of the National Focal Point with the GCF.
  • Development of the strategy and communication plan to secure the dissemination of the project and the Green Climate Fund activities in Guinea Bissau. It will help raise the awareness of the different categories of operators to boost their commitment to mobilize financial resources dedicated to climate change adaptation and mitigation. 
  • Organization of a first workshop in Bissau, for the establishment of a designated national authority (NDA) and for the validation of the communication strategy