Grievance Mechanism

The OSS is committed to ensuring that its projects/programs or activities are implemented in accordance with its environmental, social and gender obligations. Despite all the measures taken by the OSS to avoid and minimize environmental and social risks related to its projects / programs or activities, these could harm people or the environment. In order to mitigate these eventual situations, OSS has put in place a grievance mechanism.

The aim of this grievance mechanism is to provide affected persons by adverse environmental, social and gender impacts and harms resulting from OSS-supported projects/programs or activities, with an accessible, transparent, fair and effective process for the submission and processing of their complaints.

Who could file a complaint?
Any person or group of people affected (or at risk of being affected) from an environmental, social or gender perspective by OSS supported-project/program or activity may file a complaint.

How to file a complaint?
To file a complaint, please fill out the complaint form available in the following languages: ArabicEnglish, FrenchPortuguese and Spanish.

The Environmental and Social Complaints Handbook provides more details.

Anonymous complaints are not accepted. However, the name of the complainant will be kept confidential if he/she makes an explicit request.

Where to file a complaint?
Complaints should be transmitted:

  • By email:
  • By post: Leader Yasser Arafat Boulevard, BP 31, Tunis Carthage 1080, Tunisia
  • In person:
    • At the project/program executing entity level
    • OSS Headquarters (Yasser Arafat Leader Boulevard, BP 31, Tunis Carthage 1080, Tunisia)

For more information on the OSS grievance mechanism, please refer to the following documents:

Complaints related to cases of fraud or corruption in the OSS supported-projects/programs or activities must be submitted to the external auditor KPMG-BMZ - Tunisia.