Regional Cooperation program for new indicators of ecosystem accounting of natural capital in Africa | COPERNICEA

Date of approval
February 26, 2020

Project duration
4 years (2020 - 2023)

Financial and technical partners
French Development Agency (AFD)

Affected Countries 
Burkina Faso, Guinea, Morocco, Niger, Senegal and Tunisia

Main beneficiaries of the project

  • Burkina-Faso - Ministry of the Environment, Green Economy and Climate Change 
  • Guinea-Conakry: Ministry of the Environment, Water and Forests
  • Morocco: Delegate Ministry for the Environment
  • Niger: National Centre for Ecological and Environmental Surveillance (Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development)
  • Senegal: Centre de Suivi Écologique, Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development
  • Tunisia: Ministry of the Environment and local affairs
  • UQAM
  • IFDD
  • National technical services
  • The private sector
  • NGOs (namely IUCN and WWF).


This project aims to establish a national and regional network for sharing and exchanging information and data useful and necessary to the ENCA. The structures holding or producing information and data will have to pool them and make them easily accessible for a wide variety of users. These data will be aligned and available in versions for integration into ecosystem accounts.

Project status
In progress (launching workshop March 18-19, 2020)

Expected results
At the end of the project, the six French-speaking relevant countries (Burkina Faso, Guinea-Conakry, Morocco, Niger, Senegal and Tunisia) will have a clean and autonomous operational system of Ecosystem Natural Capital Accouting (ENCA) which will allow the development of a first ecosystem accounting of their natural capital. The pilot project will produce results that can be duplicated in other countries in the region in the future.

Role of OSS
Regional executing agency
