Technological innovations serving land use planning and agricultural management, Zaghouan, Tunisia, October 22, 2019


An awareness raising and capacity-building workshop for Tunisian extension agents on the use of LandPKS mobile application technology for agricultural production and resilience to climate change was held in Zaghouan, Tunisia, on October 22, 2019.


This workshop, organized by the ATPS African Technology Policy Studies Network, in collaboration with DG-ACTA (Tunisia) and OSS, brought together more than 60 participants from different governorates of Tunisia to discover a new mobile phone application called LandPKS. With this application, you will be able to use a mobile phone to instantly determine soil potential at specific locations based on local and global knowledge and information.


Through this training, participants were able to learn how to operate the LandPKS mobile application and how to apply it in the field and to learn more about the biophysical characteristics of soils, vegetation and land potentials.


This application can be used to help farmers identify soil types on their land, crop suitability and critical land management practices to improve agricultural productivity, sustainable land management and resilience to climate change.