Regional Planning Meeting for the COPERNICEA project, July 24, 2020


At the invitation of OSS, the focal points of the 6 countries concerned by the Regional Cooperation program for new indicators of ecosystem accounting of natural capital in Africa | COPERNICEA project (Burkina Faso, Guinea, Morocco, Niger, Senegal and Tunisia), as well as the teams of the various partner institutions, met virtually on the OSS videoconference platform, taking into account the conditions related to the COVID-19 Pandemic. 
The objective of the meeting was to plan the activities to be carried out at national and regional level for the rest of 2020 and to define the needs in terms of support from the PMU and partners in order to strengthen the information axes within the project communication strategy.
At the end of the discussions, a detailed roadmap and a provisional planning of activities to be carried out at national and regional level for the rest of 2020 were finalized. 

The COPERNICEA project aims to establish a national and regional network for sharing and exchanging information and data useful and necessary to the ENCA. The structures holding or producing information and data will have to pool them and make them easily accessible for a wide variety of users. These data will be aligned and available in versions for integration into ecosystem accounts.
Its ambition is to contribute to responding significantly to the challenges of sustainable development in line with both the 2011-2020 strategic plan of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the sustainable development agenda up to 2030 in particular through targets 15.9, 15.3 and 17.19 of the Sustainable Development Objectives.