Preparing Guinea Bissau for climate finance: National consultation workshop for the “country program”, June 19, 2020


A national remote consultation workshop was held on Friday June 19, 2020, as part of Guinea-Bissau's preparation for Climate Finance through the Green Climate Fund (Readiness - GCF).

The purpose of the workshop was to validate, with the stakeholders, the “Country Program” of Guinea Bissau, which provides a reference document, including the priority investments and the projects of the country, in greenhouse gases mitigation and climate change adaptation.

The Guinea Bissau country program project was produced in coordination with the Guinea Bissau Ministry of Environment and Biodiversity, with the participation of various government institutions, civil society and the private sector. The add-ons proposed by the participants during the workshop will make it possible to submit a full document for validation at the national level before being transferred to the GCF.