OSS & Green Climate Fund


The OSS participate to the Second Structured Dialogue of GCF with Africa
3-6 April | Bamako

The Second Session of the Structured Dialogue, that aims to support further acceleration of African countries’ engagement with the GCF, is intended for the National Designated Authorities and Focal Points (NDAs/FPs) of the 54 African countries, Accredited Entities (AEs), Readiness delivery partners as well as for representatives of civil society organizations and other relevant stakeholders.

OSS, accredited as the 4th African Regional Implementing Agency by GCF since October 2017, took part in this meeting held in Bamako on 3-6 April 2018. This highly strategic meeting brought together different policy makers from the countries of the OSS action zone.

The principal objective of the second Structured Dialogue with Africa is to provide stakeholders an opportunity to facilitate exchanges and learning among countries and stakeholders to enhance the quality of the programming process and deliver strong outcomes, including high quality and impactful pipeline of proposals for the short, medium and long term.

For further information: https://www.greenclimate.fund/meetings/2018/bamako 

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