Executive Secretary of the Sahara and Sahel Observatory - OSS
The OSS celebrates the International Day for Biological Diversity under the “We are part of the solution” slogan.
The latest reports and scientific studies have confirmed that despite the efforts undertaken within the framework of the Aichi (2011-2020) strategic plan and Targets, almost all the indicators are alarming. Biodiversity is degrading inexorably and sometimes with incurable results. Such degradation is mainly caused by climate change, overexploitation of natural resources, pollution, urbanization and the spread of alien and invasive species.
The Global Report of IPBES1 2019 highlighted the responsibility of Man in the loss of biodiversity, which amounts to 75% for terrestrial ecosystems.
At the Sahara and Sahel Observatory, we are quite confident that it is never too late to take action, slow down this decline and have it reversed.
The challenges of biodiversity conservation have always been one of the cornerstones of our organization mission. The OSS has never suspended its support to its member countries and provided them with the instruments so that they can monitor their natural resources and the dynamics of their natural ecosystems through observation, monitoring of biophysical indicators and human and material capacity building.
We are supporting some of our member countries in setting up and implementing large-scale projects aimed at establishing inclusive approaches to conservation, climate change adaptation and protection of ecosystems.
The AdaptWap and Copernicea projects are clear and revealing examples. The first makes it possible to integrate adaptation measures in the coordinated region of the WAP natural complex, shared by Benin, Burkina Faso and Niger. It aims to strengthen the resilience of ecosystems and improve the living conditions of the WAP complex populations in the face of climate change. The second aims to establish a national and regional network for sharing and exchanging information and data useful and necessary for the ENCA.
It is no coincidence that the OSS 2030 strategy integrates "Biodiversity" as a full-part scientific and technical focus. The OSS action will aim in particular to support its member countries in the establishment of Ecosystem Natural Capital Accounting tools and will be in line with the CBD's 2050 Vision and its future strategic framework. In addition, the OSS will support fundraising efforts and the implementation of national action plans on post-2020 biodiversity.
This year, we are celebrating the International Biodiversity Day in a global context that emphasizes the urgent need of a joint and coordinated action. The OSS is fully aware of this and we are committed to doing everything possible to serve biodiversity, because we too are part of the solution.
We are together!
1 The intergovernmental scientific and political platform on biodiversity and ecosystem services