North Africa: Regional workshop on restitution of national studies and thinking on GMES & Africa services, Rabat, Morocco, 16-17 July 2019

Rabat, Morocco

As part of the "Earth Observation for Sustainable Land and Water Management in North Africa" project, implemented by the OSS and its national and regional partners and in charge of remote sensing, namely ASAL (Algeria), DRC (Egypt), LCRSSS (Libya), CRTS (Morocco), the Al-Aasriya Nouakchott University (Mauritania) and CNCT (Tunisia) at the national level and CRTEAN and CRASTE- LF at the regional level, a regional workshop for the restitution of national studies and thinking on GMES & Africa services is held in Rabat, Morocco on July 16 and 17 2019.

This workshop will lead to better build on national experiences and more effectively integrate end-user needs into service development. It will lead to a common and harmonized vision of the service prototypes to be developed and to a better involvement of the partners in the process of developing the terms of reference of the services. It will also enable the adoption of the capacity-building program and the development of a roadmap for the execution of its activities.

The "Earth Observation for Sustainable Land and Water Management in North Africa" ​​ project aims to support decision-making in the field of natural resources and water sustainable management through the provision of products and services based on Earth Observation data and techniques.