Libya prepares for climate finance, Tunis, 28-29 October 2019


In the framework of the implementation of the Readiness Libya project financed by the Green Climate Fund - GCF, the Sahara and Sahel Observatory organized, on October 28-29, 2019 in Tunis, with the partnership of the Libyan General Authority of the Environment, a consultation and discussion workshop on the GCF access guide, as well as on the guidelines for a better involvement of the Libyan private sector in climate finance and in particular the GCF.


The workshop was attended by representatives of the Libyan public and private sectors and civil society working on the environment and involved in the topics of interest.


At the end of the workshop, participants expressed their willingness to become more involved in the process in order to optimize the mobilization of the Fund resources.


The OSS representatives reaffirmed their commitment to continue their support to Libya to access climate funds and announced that an 18-month second phase of the Readiness project, is being completed with the Green Climate Fund. Participants were informed that, in this regard, the financing request will soon be submitted to the GCF.


It is worth reminding that the Readiness Libya project was approved for a period of 18 months in March 2018. It allowed the establishment of a coordinating center and a National Designated Authority (NDA) including 8 representatives of the public and private sectors, NGOs, and their institutional capacity building so that they effectively accomplish their duties and responsibilities vis-à-vis the GCF. The project made it possible the establishment of a Non-Objection Mechanism to assist the National Focal Point and the NDA in validating project requests submitted to the Fund for national climate policies, strategies and plans. Several tools have been put in place, including a communication strategy with its action plan, a platform for information exchange and sharing on the NDA and the GCF activities, as well as a study on gender and climate change in Libya.