This was the topic addressed during the Global Environment Facility (GEF) project-activities launch and programming workshop, entitled "Large-Scale Land Degradation Assessment to Guide Future Investments in Sustainable Land Management in the Great Green Wall countries (Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Niger and Senegal)" which was attended by the OSS representative, Ms. Ndeye Fatou MAR.
The main purpose of the workshop was to officially launch the project, with the presence of all involved partners: UNEP, CILSS/AGRHYMET, LUCSUS, OSS, SERVIR WA, IRD, APGMV and ESA) and national focal points of the Great Green Wall agencies of Burkina Faso, Ethiopia and Niger. The workshop also helped plan activities, identify the role of each partner institution and define the levels of intervention of the countries on the pilot sites.
This project should make it possible to effectively move to an operational step in the fight against land degradation, including support for scaling up SLWM best practices in the Great Green Wall (GGW) area. Let’s remind that the GGW is an integrated ecosystem management vision along a strip that states are free to choose.