GMES- North Africa Consortium training programme on the use of decision support services kicks off, Jan.13, 2021


The training session on Earth Observation through SDG indicator 15.3.1 monitoring for the use of dedicated geospatial services started this morning. This training is part of the online training program set up by the OSS as part of the GMES and Africa - North Africa Consortium project dedicated to the use of the three decision support services: Water, Agriculture and Land Degradation. This program should make it possible to get started with the use of the two service platforms, namely "MISBAR" for the agricultural water use and seasonal agriculture monitoring services and "MISLAND" for the land degradation monitoring service. 

Mr. Nabil BEN KHATRA, new Executive Secretary of the OSS, Mr. Bachir SALEY, representing the GMES team on behalf of the African Union and Mrs. Sandrine JAUFFRET in charge of the “LDN Transformative Projects and Programmes” Programme at the Global Mechanism of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) opened the training session.

Mrs. JAUFFRET introduced the technical work and gave a presentation on SDG 15.3.1 indicator and the approach that the UNCCD developed for its monitoring-evaluation. 

All in all, 9 sessions will be convened starting from January 13, 2021: 

  • Land degradation service deployed on the "MISLAND" platform (4 sessions). 

Details of MISLAND sessions and the Registration Form are available on this link

  • Agricultural water use and seasonal agriculture monitoring services, deployed on the "MISBAR" platform (6 sessions). 

Details of MISBAR sessions and the Registration Form are available on this link