GMES AND AFRICA – OSS - North Africa Consortium, Workshop 1: Earth Observation for seasonal agriculture monitoring, October 13-16, 2020


The Tele-training workshop on “Earth Observation for seasonal agriculture monitoring” started today as part of the GMES and Africa project (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security in Africa) OSS - North Africa Consortium.

The opening of the works took place with the presence of Mr. Khatim Kherraz, Executive Secretary of the OSS, the Director of CRASTE LF, and the representative of the GMES & Africa project (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security in Africa) OSS - North Africa Consortium.

The opening of the works took place with the presence of Mr. Khatim Kherraz, Executive Secretary of the OSS, the Director of CRASTE LF, and the representative of the GMES & Africa program, with the participation of approximately 35 EO experts for agriculture from national and regional partners of the OSS - North Africa Consortium as well as people from other institutions. A glorious tribute was paid to the late Hamadi Rajhi, CNCT Tunisia Engineer, who passed away a few days ago, Peace be upon him. 

This first tele-training, organized by the African Regional Centre for Space Science and Technology in French Language CRASTE-LF, in collaboration with the OSS, takes place on the CRASTE-LF online learning management platform (crastelf- eacademie) and aims to:

  • Ensure effective access and use of the EO COPERNICUS data for agricultural monitoring needs.
  • Build knowledge and improve operational skills on crop mapping techniques using EO-based learning approaches.
  • Enable optimal operation of the EO ESA products in a cloud environment.

This session, which will be followed by a set of other trainings, is part of the GMES & Africa Training Strategy which aims to develop the main skills and expertise in Earth Observation  applications,  build the spatial and in situ infrastructural capacities of technical institutions in Africa, develop user-focused EO services and foster communication, with a view to ensuring efficient use of services and products that optimize the EO benefits.

The training strategy aims to:

  • Training end users on the use of services, allowing to guarantee their regular use and to collect feedback that aims at improving the first prototypes developed;
  • Training trainers for national remote sensing centres, who will be responsible for capacity building of end users during and after the end of the project;
  • Training IT administrators and thematic experts on the administration and maintenance of services, with a view to guaranteeing the sustainability of services by taking over their management.


Links to the recordings of the day 1:

part 1 :

part 2 :