GMES & Africa-North Africa Consortium: Regional training workshop on the use of the "Land Degradation Monitoring" service - MISLAND, February 3, 2021


The OSS organized a regional training workshop on Vegetation Degradation Monitoring via the MISLAND platform as part of the GMES & Africa - North Africa Consortium project training program.
This training aims to get used and started with the "MISLAND" platform for Land Degradation Monitoring service through theoretical sessions and practical demos.

Mr. Nabil Ben Khatra, Executive Secretary of the OSS opened the session and the JRC-EC (Joint Research Commission - European Commission) introduced the works by presenting its experience in vegetation monitoring.

In addition to the interactive exchanges, national partners set up demos on the MISLAND platform on a number of topics:

  • Impact of forest fires in Algeria
  • Global forest change in Tunisia
  • Global forest change in Tunisia
  • Vulnerability to desertification in Egypt & Libya
  •  Long-term vegetation monitoring in Mauritania & Morocco.

It is worth noting that two other training sessions on MISLAND will take place as follows:

  • Contribution of remote sensing to modelling vulnerability to desertification (MEDALUS approach for instance): due on February 24, 2021.
  • Training on the use of the MISLAND latest version, due on March 10, 2021.

Two other sets of MISLAND training sessions on modelling vulnerability to land degradation and on the platform final version (4 sessions) will also take place in the weeks to come.