Ecosystem natural capital accounting: COPERNICEA organizes a regional business planning meeting for the year 2021, febr. 2, 2021


The COPERNICEA project held its first regional meeting in 2021, with the presence of national focal points (Niger, Burkina Faso, Tunisia and Guinea) as well as the OSS coordination team.

The meeting made it possible to introduce the activity plans to be implemented at the regional level as well as the project activities conducted and scheduled in the relevant countries.

Discussions also focused on the next project deadlines, namely the continuation of remote training sessions on ecosystem accounts, the planning of regional workshops for the validation of the first results and the project communication activities to be carried out at regional and national levels.

Funded by the French Development Agency (AFD), COPERNICEA is a pilot project that aims to establish a national and regional network for sharing and exchanging information and data useful and necessary for Ecosystem Natural Capital Accounting - ENCA. The structures holding or producing information and data will have to pool them and make them easily accessible to a wide variety of users. These data will be aligned and available in formats for integration in ecosystem accounts. It aims to help contend with the sustainable development challenges, in line with both the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) 2011-2020 strategic plan and the 2030 sustainable development agenda, in particular through targets 15.9, 15.3 and 17.19 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).