The COPERNICEA organizes a training on the Ecosystem infrastructure account, March 16-19, 2021


As part of the training program on ecosystem natural capital accounting of the French Development Agency funded COPERNICEA project, the Sahara & Sahel Observatory is organizing a capacity building session on the ecosystem infrastructure account.

This is a practical training based on a tutorial (Kangaré) which aims to allow participants, particularly experts from the Project Management Unit & national partners, to learn about the production of the ecosystem infrastructure account while introducing them to the different basic concepts for the development of ecosystem accounts of functional landscapes.

The first day of the workshop was opened by Ms. Ndeye Fatou MAR, Coordinator of the Land Department as well as Mr. Nabil HAMADA Coordinator of the Strategic Development Department at the OSS & registered more than 40 participants.

It is noteworthy that this training workshop concurs with the United Nations Statistical Commission decision which has just adopted, in March 2021, the Ecosystem Economic & Environmental Accounting System (EEEAS) process, as an international statistical standard. This should consolidate the establishment of operational systems for Ecosystem Natural Capital Accounting in the field of ecosystem accounting.

Two other workshops on ecosystem carbon & water accounts are also scheduled for 2021.