A delegation of the Permanent Inter-State Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel - CILSS, welcomed by M Khatim Kherraz, Executive Secretary of the OSS, and led by M Djime_Adoum, Executive Secretary of CILSS, visited OSS headquarters for a courtesy visit.
CILSS, which is a member of the OSS, is a reference in the subregion (Sahel), which earned the distinction of International Organization of Public Interest. CILSS has a mandate to be engaged in the search for food security and in the fight against the effects of drought and desertification, for a new ecological balance in the Sahel.
It is one of three regional centers of excellence: CILSS, UICN, OSS, which implements the BRICKS project (Strengthening Resilience Through Innovation, Communication and Knowledge Services), a 6 years, financed by the World Bank in support of the implementation of the Sahel and West Africa Program SAWAP in support of the Great Green Wall Initiative.