As part of the GMES and Africa Program, the African Union Commission invited communicators of the 13 program consortia to a capacity-building workshop.
As the first phase of this program is coming to end, this workshop, in which the OSS takes part in the person of Mrs. Nadia Khammari, Communication Officer, reinforces awareness-raising, mobilization, commitment and decision-making techniques of the main targets of this program at regional and continental level.
Through this training, the African Union Commission wants to improve the quality of communication products, generate more impact with their dissemination and ensure an effective and efficient evaluation of different communication activities. The communicators are also expected to put together their efforts to bring a strong awareness-raising message in order to create a regional commitment of the different governments.
The OSS, leader of the North Africa consortium for the "Support project for the sustainable water and natural resources management through the enhancement of Earth Observation data and technologies" of the GMES & Africa Program, aims to support decision-making in the field of sustainable water and natural resources management through the provision of products and services developed from Earth Observation data & techniques