Storytelling, an effective tool to raise awareness about the preservation of water resources in the Maghreb


The closing workshop of the project "Maghreb Tellers - Actresses of Change for the Preservation of Water", was held at the Water Museum of Marrakech, on April 6, 2018.

The opening of the workshop was assured by Mrs. Charafat Afailal, Secretary of State in charge of Water - Morocco, in the presence of the representatives of the GIZ Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia, the Observatory of the Sahara and the Sahel and from a wide audience. On the occasion of this closing workshop, a storytelling festival was organized in the museum's gardens, during which the women involved in the project presented to an audience, composed of a large majority of schoolchildren from the Marrakech region, about fifteen tales on water produced in the project.

The project "Maghreb storytellers" aims essentially to highlight the role of women in the management of water resources through the dissemination of their know-how through storytelling. It aims to change the behavior of water users in the Maghreb. In this context, a group of women volunteers (Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia) benefited from a capacity building in the writing of stories and in the stage performance, to become true actresses of the transmission of oral traditions, and a vector awareness-raising for youth and the wide public.

At the end of the workshop, it was recommended to generalize the concept of storytelling as an effective tool for raising awareness of the issue of the preservation of water resources throughout the Maghreb, given its successful results from the project on all the plans.

The project "Maghreb storytellers, actresses of change in the preservation of Water", is attached to the project of "Regional Cooperation for Sustainable Management of Water Resources in the Maghreb - CREM". It is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), it is implemented in Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia by the Sahara and Sahel Observatory & the German International Cooperation Agency (GIZ).