Water, Climate & Development - WACDEP

Approval Date
December 2014


Project Duration
15 months


Financial & Technical Partners
The African Ministers' Council on Water (AMCOW) through the Global Water Partnership (GWP) -Med


Country of operations
Algeria - Tunisia


In order to reinforce the results of the studies carried out under the SASS III project, in particular, the socio-economic part which aims at understanding the behavior of the irrigant in the valorization of the irrigation water, it appeared necessary to integrate the "climate change" dimension in order to understand the adaptation capacities of the farmers throughout the basin. In addition to assessing the impacts of climate change at the basin level, the project focuses on their inclusion in the scenarios simulated by the hydro-economic model developed as part of the SASS III project. For example, in the context of the WACDEP (Water, Climate and Development for Africa) program implemented by the Global Water Partnership (GWP), and in partnership with the latter, the OSS has prepared a study on the integration of the "climate change" dimension through a specific survey campaign.


Project Status


The main result is the adaptation of farmers to the impacts of climate change. In the Saharan regions, concerning the factors affecting the farms, in addition to the decrease in rainfall, the majority of the surveyed operators declared to have observed during the last years:

  • An increase in the frequency of sandstorms
  • A degradation of certain natural vegetations
  • A deterioration in the quality of their water resources
  • An abandonment of some profitable but demanding crops to adapt to the new situation.
  • Farmers adapt with the abandonment of demanding and sensitive crops but also by introducing livestock as a supplement to income.