OSS Policies

OSS considers any kind of corruption and fraud as very detrimental to the realization of its mission. For this purpose, OSS made a statement on zero tolerance for fraud, financial mismanagement and any other forms of malpractice.  This declaration recalls in particular that OSS has adopted a Whistleblowing (anti-fraud) Policy and has implemented precautionary measures.    

OSS has also a set of policies that demonstrate the principles and procedures to assess the environmental, social and gender impacts during the preparation and implementation of measures carried out by OSS in the following circumstances:

The policies form an integral part of the Environmental and Social Risk Management System (ESMS) and are intended to build on the existing policies, operating procedures, and project cycle of OSS.

  • Whistleblowing Policy

This policy aims to strengthen the integrity system of the OSS and to fight against corruption and wrongdoing. It sets the rules and conditions for investigating allegations of corruption, fraud or other violations.
Access the Whistleblowing Policy.

  • Environmental and Social Policy

This policy describes the principles applicable by the OSS in the assessment of environmental, social and gender impacts during the preparation and implementation of programs and projects.
Access the Environmental and Social Policy.

  • Gender Policy

This policy reflects the OSS's commitment to respect for the principles of equality and equity between women and men and  to act to promote social justice, equal opportunities, diversity and equity in its interventions.
Access the Gender Policy.