Green Economy Africa Program - EVA

A five-year program 2014-2018 

Financial and Technical Partners 



French-speaking African countries


The main objective of EVA program is to integrate the principles of the green economy into existing planning processes rather than developing "green" planning processes in parallel, which would be a sign of a lack of integration between the two political processes. More specifically, the EVA program supports the capacity building of Francophone countries in Africa on the green economy, to promote the integration of green policies into national sustainable development strategies and its implementation. 


Project Status


Expected Outputs

At the end of the project, it is expected that the knowledge of the countries on the Green Economy will be improved, the countries that will be accompanied will have the necessary tools to elaborate their policies in green economy and a collaborative platform will be operational in order to put networking for those interested in promoting a green economy in Africa. The experience gained in the pilot countries will be applied in other countries to ensure the replicability of the project. More information at :