The Copernicea project holds its first Steering Committee, April 12, 2021


The 1st Copernicea project steering committee was held online, on April 12, 2021, with the presence of Mr. Hédi CHEBILI, Director General of Environment & Quality of Life (Tunisia), Mr. Emmanuel FOURMANN representing the French Development Agency (AFD) & Mr. Nabil BEN KHATRA Executive Secretary of the Sahara & Sahel Observatory (OSS).

The objectives of the session were to allow the steering committee members to discuss the project implementation progress (activity & financial reports), & to agree on the 2021 activities work plan & annual budget, taking into account the COVID-19 related constraints. The 2021 highlights include the organization of a regional workshop, continued training sessions & the production of an ENCA popularization documentary film.

As part of its guidance & steering mission, the Committee issued recommendations relating in particular to the importance of developing an ENCA advocacy as a decision-making tool & the need to take possible opportunities and synergies with other initiatives related to the project topic in Africa.