The OSS & the AfEOS agency, with the collaboration of GMES & Africa - OSS - North Africa Consortium, are proceeding with the GMES training program on the functionalities developed on the MISBAR platform, with a session specially dedicated to agricultural production monitoring.
The purpose of this session was to support agriculture technicians & managers get started with the use of the platform so that they can monitor production in their study areas.
This operational service, based on Earth Observation data & techniques, aims to support decision-making in Monitoring, Early Warning & Seasonal Agricultural Assessment.
During the workshop, feedback on indicators, services & by-products were collected and discussed along with estimation approaches for different indicators & recommendations for operationalizing MISBAR.
A final session is due on March 25 to introduce the MISBAR latest version & will mark the end of the training program for users of services related to agriculture & water set up by the OSS as part of the GMES & Africa , North Africa Consortium project.