Signature of the new climate change adaptation project "DRESS-EA" financed by the Adaptation Fund, August 26, 2020


A virtual signing ceremony of the DRESS-EA project grant agreement was organized by the OSS with the regional executing entities, namely the Global Water Partnership in East Africa (GWPEA) and the Global Water Partnership in South Africa-Non-Profit Institution (GWPSA-NPC).

The event was held with the presence of Mr. Khatim Kherraz, OSS Executive Secretary, Mr. Peter Repinski, Interim Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Executive Secretary at the Global Water Partnership (GWPO) and Mr. Fred Mwango, Regional expert in water resources at the IGAD Secretariat, and representatives of regional executing entities, with the participation of all representatives of the affected countries (Djibouti, Kenya, Sudan, Uganda). 

The agreement signing ceremony (held by videoconference) due to the COVID-19 pandemic related situation, is the 1st step of the DRESS-EA project start-up, which aims to increase the resilience of smallholder farmers and pastoralists against climate change related risks, mainly the ones linked to drought, through the establishment of appropriate early warning systems and the implementation of drought adaptation actions in 4 countries of the IGAD region.

The DRESS-EA project which is financed by the Adaptation Fund is implemented by the OSS as a Regional Implementation Entity (RIE).