Surface water resources are mainly mobilized for irrigated agriculture and livestock, particularly in the arid and semi-arid regions of Africa. However, these resources do not meet the water demands in all seasons, because they are the most vulnerable to climate hazards. The global changes and mainly the climate-related ones, are expressed through:
- A rainfall regime disruption (Recurrence of extreme events (droughts, floods);
- A fall in the average annual flows of major rivers: nearly 30% (Niger River) and 60% (Senegal and Gambia rivers);
- An average 30% reduction of the groundwater recharge.
The OSS has brought together a group of experts with a view to discussing the above mentioned different aspects related to transboundary groundwater, as part of its official side event at the 2019 Madrid Conference on climate change - COP25.
H.E. Mr. Samir TAIEB, Minister of Agriculture of Tunisia, Mr. Khatim KHERRAZ, Executive Secretary of the Sahara and Sahel Observatory - OSS, Mr. Abdelkader DODO, Water Program Coordinator, OSS, Mr. Alexandros MAKARIGAKIS, UNESCO, Paris and Dr. Amadou Lamine NDIAYE, OMVS took action with the panel. See the flyer