GMES & Africa - Restitution and Reflection National Workshop on Earth Observation Services, Rabat, Morocco, October 4,  2019


In the framework of the GMES & Africa Earth Observation project for a Sustainable Management of Land and Water in North Africa, the Royal Center for Remote Sensing (CRTS) in Rabat organized on October 4 in Rabat, in partnership with the Observatory Sahara and Sahel, a restitution workshop.

The purpose of this workshop was to present to the various national and regional partners of the project as well as to the CRTS monitoring team, the national study on user needs analysis that was carried out in order to allow a more effective integration of the user needs in the development of services, as well as the different services to be developed.

The workshop, which was opened by Mrs. Amal Layachi, Head of the Training and Documentation Dept., focused on:

  • Building on national experiences and integrating the end-user needs in the development of remote sensing services
  • The service prototypes to be developed, and the involvement of the partners in the developing process of the services ToRs
  • The capacity building program
  • The road map for the implementation of the project activities.

A summary report to highlight the preparation of the products selected for the service creation will be issued.

The "Earth Observation for a Sustainable Land and Water Management in North Africa" project aims to support decision-making in the field of sustainable management of natural resources and water through the provision of products and services based on Earth observation data and techniques. It is implemented by the OSS and its national and regional partners in charge of remote sensing, namely ASAL (Algeria), DRC (Egypt), LCRSSS (Libya), CRTS (Morocco), Al-Aasriya University of Nouakchott (Mauritania) and CNCT (Tunisia) at the national level and CRTEAN and CRASTE-LF at the regional level.