How to improve the quality of water in the East African Rift Valley | 3rd FLOWERED Regional Workshop, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, July 4-5, 2019


OSS, in collaboration with the University of Cagliari (Italy) and the University of Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), organized the third and final FLOWERED project regional workshop in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on July 4 to 5, 2019.

This workshop, which follows the first two workshops held in Tanzania (2017) and Kenya (2018), was organized in different sessions, namely an international scientific conference bringing together members of the consortium and several stakeholders working in the field of defluorination, a poster session presenting the new discoveries of researchers associated with the project and a field visit to various sites, including a site that recently introduced new technologies to eliminate fluoride in water.

On the occasion of this event, the Consortium also organized the 3rd general assembly of the FLOWERED project, as well as its steering committee, during which updates were made in order to identify the latest activities to be carried out until the end of the project, due on November 2019. As head of the working group 6 on communication and dissemination activities, the OSS presented the activities carried out during the past three years, in the form of a poster, a brochure and a documentary film. The documentary film projected in its draft version, explains both the role of the project in the fight against fluoride contamination, and presents the main achievements of the 3 years of activities, in all areas of the project: research, capacity building, communication and dissemination.

FLOWERED is a research project funded by the European Union under the Horizon H2020 projects, it is conducted in three countries of the Rift Valley (Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania), and aims to develop innovative technologies for water defluorination and develop sustainable techniques for water management at the local level.