OSS interactions and collaborations with Sudan, Tunis, April 2019


The OSS was honored to receive His Excellency Mr. Hussein Mohamed Hussein, Ambassador of Sudan in Tunisia. The purpose of this visit was to discuss prospects of collaboration between OSS and Sudan, including environmental monitoring and projects and programs monitoring and evaluation. To this end, Mr. Khatim KHERRAZ, Executive Secretary of the OSS presented to his host a wide range of products recently developed by the OSS, in its area of action and more particularly in the region of the Sahel and West Africa, such as the Atlas of Land Use Maps of the Sahel and West Africa Region" (as part of the BRICKS-SAWAP project) which has just been published. He also presented the monograph on the Sudan environment developed at the OSS, as part of the observatory function.

In addition to that, a Sudanese technical delegation, consisting of Mrs. Somaya Omer Magzoub Abdoun, and Mrs. Mona Abdelhafeez Ahmed Dawelbait experts in monitoring-evaluation, respectively of the Forestry National Corporation and the National Council for Environment in Sudan; and Mr. Abdelazim Mirghani Secretary General of the National Council for Environment and Mr. Hatim Elobied Ibrahim Nuh, Remote Sensing Expert of the Sudan Remote Sensing and Seismology Authority, also paid OSS a visit.

The purpose of this visit was to better understand the Organization's activities in terms of services and tools developed (Geo-portals), monitoring and evaluation methods and environmental monitoring developed by the OSS. On this occasion, discussions focused on the Organization's experience as an accredited agency to the Green Climate Fund and the Adaptation Fund, and on topics of interest to Sudan, related to oasis ecosystems and desertification.